
For equipment hazards possible risk factorsare listed below.
For each risk factor there are things you can consider in order to minimise the risk.

This is not an exhaustive list. It is a tool to give you ideas that you might want to explore.

For some of the risk factors there are general considerations.

For some risk factors there are specific considerations. Click on a risk factor to see the associated specific considerations.

 Risk factors


  1. Not available
  2. Not appropriate (too low, too high, inadequate Safe Work Load rating)
  3. Not regularly maintained in appropriate time frame
  4. In disrepair
  5. Heavy
  6. Awkward to use
  7. Puts the Participant, Support Worker, carer at risk of injury
  8. No manufacturer directions for use
  9. Residual Current Device Switch not available or in use
  10. Cleaning chemicals not in original manufacturer container
  11. Does not have a Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) number

General considerations

  1. Review the task or service procedures. Are they being completed correctly? Can they be done differently and more efficiently? Can items be moved to a more convenient location?
  2. If able, alter light and heavy tasks or task components to allow time for the Support Worker soft tissue recovery.
  3. Allow time for micro breaks and gentle muscle relaxation and stretching between difficult tasks or task aspects.
  4. Would equipment help ease aspects of the service? If so, an OT assessment may be in order.
  5. Is further training in order?
  6. Would a safety coach or mentor be in order?
  7. Are there Participant or carer contributing behavioural factors?
  8. Should home modifications be considered? If so, an OT assessment may be in order.
  9. Is it safe to complete the task or service?
  10. Would adding more Support Workers to the service be in order?