- Exploring Hazards & Risks
- Participant
- Carer
- Support Worker
- Task
- Environment in the home
- Equipment
- In the community
- Disasters and Emergencies
NOTE: For cases where a significant number of responses are affirmative, contact your Team leader or Manager to get further assistance.
See links below for further guidance on behaviour management working with particpants:
With Acquired Brain Injuries
Agency for Clinical Innovation
Brain Injury Australia
With Spinal Cord Injuries Spinal Cord Injuries Australia
Capability Framework for service providers
Attendant Care
Living with Attendant Care
Exploring hazards and risks
Care delivery in a person’s home environment should be delivered in the least intrusive way possible to the recipient and the household members.
The worker and the Participant both have a right to be safe during a service.
To achieve this, you will need to consider hazards, risk factorsand risks.
- A hazard is something that has the potential to cause harm.
- A risk factor is something or someone that creates or adds to a hazard.
- Risk is the expected level of harm that may occur from a hazard.
This section of the web site groups hazards by:
- Participant
- Carer
- Support Worker
- Task
- Environment in the home
- Equipment
- In the community
- Disasters and emergencies
For each hazard there are risk factors.
For each risk factor there are things you can consider in order to minimise the risk.