
For environmental hazards possible risk factors are listed below.
For these risk factors there are things you can consider in order to minimise the risk.

This is not an exhaustive list. It is a tool to give you ideas that you might want to explore.

 Risk factors


  1. Floors in disrepair
  2. Floors slippery due to moss, leaves, water etc.
  3. Uneven flooring at room entry ways
  4. Stairs in use during service
  5. Steep internal or external ramps
  6. Temperature, humidity, ventilation
  7. Lighting too dark or bright
  8. Difficult to access needed items
  9. Work surfaces are too low or high
  10. Doorways are too narrow for equipment
  11. Shower recess is too small
  12. Clutter makes safe movements difficult
  13. Confined work areas make safe movement difficult
  1. Review environmental factors that may add to difficulty of situation.
  2. Can the task be performed at another time or location?
  3. Would equipment help ease aspects of the service? If so, an OT assessment may be in order.
  4. Is further training in order?
  5. Would a safety coach or mentor be in order?
  6. Are there Participant or carer behaviour contributing factors?
  7. Is it safe to continue the service in this location?
  8. Would adding more Support Workers to the service be in order?
  9. Would an OT assessment for home modifications be in order?